Monday, November 21, 2011

Desert Life

I call this painting "Desert Life"
My interpretation of this painting is...
I was going for a desert look. This painting took a little longer then I usually take.

I thought the flower was going to be the easiest part, but I was mistaken.
I draw doodles of flowers all the time, but painting them is very different.
I love the different kinds of beige and making them blend.
I used the darker blue and the white paint to give the flower some depth.

Until next time,
be inspired, be full of grace, be unique!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Caleb's Eye

I call this painting "Caleb's Eye"
My interpretation of this painting is...
exactly the same one as the first Caleb's Eye.
I have a dog named Caleb and it's so weird, but his eye really does look like the eye in the painting.

I have another one just like this but it's pink and egg shell colors.
I'm going to make another one but it's going to be purple and brown.
I like the idea of making Caleb's Eye a set.

Again the same thing I  used the last time,
I used a fan brush.
So, basically the only thing different is the color. lol

Until next time,
be inspired, be full of grace, be unique!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Walk of Love

I call this painting  " The Walk of Love"
My interpretation of this painting is...
The feet and the heart is a symbol of traveling in life
while learning to love and learning how to be loved.
As for the spots, they're just interesting.

I used my feet and my hands to do this painting.
All of the silver is my feet and the red and purple are my hands.
The spots were so much fun to do.
I took the bottle of blue paint and started throwing it every where. lol 

Until next time,
be inspired, be full of grace, be unique!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reach for the Jars

I call this painting "Reach for the Jars"
This is the most detailed painting I've ever done.
My interpretation of this painting is...
I saw the movie Princess And The Frog;
you know when Momma Odie starts singing and the sun is shining through the tree limbs, and there are millions of bottles hanging in the tree...
I could just see myself painting those bottles, with all the vines raping around everything.
I loved it!!

I used acrylic paint, but after I finished a bottle I dipped my brush in water and smudged the paint just a little bit!
It's amazing the way water brought a "old timey" look to the paint.

Until next time,
be inspired, be full of grace, be unique!